@article{oai:fuji.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000031, author = {Newbury, Daniel and Townsend, Simon and Newbury, Daniel and Townsend, Simon}, issue = {1}, journal = {富士大学紀要, The review of Fuji University}, month = {Aug}, note = {In preparation for an E-Learning system that was used by the Fuji University English Department, a pilot project was carried out in 2011 to accomplish two primary goals: assess the feasibility of implementing and using such a system and the efficacy of using E-Learning to supplement classroom learning. This project marked the first attempt of its kind by the Fuji University English Department. The current paper describes the design and development process of the E-Learning system in terms of content development and technology infrastructure, and the motivational techniques used to encourage students to use the system. It also discusses student participation as analyzed through selected metrics. We finish by discussing the E-Learning system content and possibilities for future research.}, pages = {67--73}, title = {Evaluation of the Trial E-Learning Implementation in the Fuji University English Department's Standardized Curriculum}, volume = {48}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ニューバリー, ダニエル and タウンゼント, サイモン} }